- The Meteoritical Society
- Homepage of the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science
- Historical Meteorite Falls
- Meteorites and their proprieties (Lunar and Planetary Science, University of Arizona-USA)
- Encyclopedia of meteorites (IMCA)
- Meteorite and Impact Advisory Committee (MIAC)
- Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG)
- Meteorites: Stones from the Sky
- The Mars Meteorite Compendium di Charles Meyer (Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center-NASA)
- List of meteorites (The Meteoritical Society-USA)
- List of lunar meteorites (Washington University in St. Louis-USA)
- List of martian meteorites (University of Washington)
- Yale Peabody Museum - The Collections: Meteorites and Planetary Science (
Yale University)
- Meteorite Classification List (Meteorites Australia)
- The Antartic Search For Meteorites Group
- Museo mineralogico (Università di Roma)
- Tunguska homepage (Università di Bologna)
- SEDS - Meteors, Meteorites and Impacts from Bill Arnett's Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
- Meteors, Meteorites and Impacts (Nine Planets)
Bollettini, mailing list, siti internet o blog:
- Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter
- The RGO information leaflet on Meteors and Meteorites
- Mailing list on meteorites and space geology - in Spanish
- Meteorite magazine
- Fireballs and Meteorites (blog)
- Carta interattiva dei crateri da impatto

- Meteorite photo gallery
- Meteoroids and Meteorites from Rosanna Hamilton's Views of the Solar System
- Histoires d'impacts (F)
- Stones Falling from the Sky, Part I: 1,400 B.C.-1860 A.D. (SEMP)
- Catalog of Meteorite and Fireball 2-1860
- The Science Of Learning To Recognize Meteorites
- Latest worldwide meteor/meteorite news
- The Impossible Rocks that Fell from the Sky
- Science Debunked Meteorites

- Worlds of David Darling

- Cosmic debris
- 1908 Siberia explosion
- Martian meteorites
(Cumbrian Sky)

- A large rock mysteriously falls from the sky in Zimbabwes’ Nkayi village
- Meteorites and the Early Solar System II (Harward University)
- Japanese Meteorites
- Meteorite Recon (The Hosur, Krishnagiri meteorite fall)
- A Life Measured in Iron Falls
- Swiss Meteorite Lab
- Meteors and Meteorites
- Rocks from heaven
- Links Sobre Meteoros y Meteoritos (Espana - CAST Linkato)
- Meteorite Stamps and Coins
- The MetBase Library of Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences (It is the largest privately owned library of its kind. It is located in the heart of Bremen and open to researchers upon appointment. It presently hosts approximately 50,000 articles, abstracts, catalogs, special publications and books)
- Il fascino delle meteoriti (prima parte) di Maurizio Eltri (You Tube; 18m 23s)

- Il fascino delle meteoriti (seconda parte) di Maurizio Eltri (You Tube; 6m 42s)

- Il fascino delle meteoriti (terza parte) di Maurizio Eltri (You Tube; 13m 34s)

- Il fascino delle meteoriti (quarta parte): la caduta di Sikhote-Alin di Maurizio Eltri (You Tube; 17m 52s)

Rivenditori di meteoriti:
- M come Meteorite di Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A
Email: mcomemeteorite2004@yahoo.it
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.it
Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info
International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140
MSN Messanger: spacerocks at hotmail.com
Catalogo meteoriti italiane conosciute
E' anche autore di un libro ("A caccia di meteoriti", 2005)
su come si trovano le meteoriti, con varie informazioni generali e particolari su di esse.
- Hanno Strufe meteorite homepage (immagini del 2006 Munich Mineral Show)
- Marketplace for meteorites (Bethany Sciences)
- Marketplace for meteorites (The Meteorite Market)
- The Macovich Collection of Meteorites
- The Meteorite Exchange (Meteorite Marketplace, Paul Harris)
- Mile High Meteorites
- Mineralshow (Bologna - Italy; end of march)
- SNC (Mars) Meteorite information available on the WWW
- Meteorite Central
- Fireball con meteoriti precipitati su Chicago (USA) il 27/03/2003:
circa 500 frammenti dispersi in un'area di 10 km intorno a Park Forest, a sud di Chicago; bolide con un luminosissimo flash d'esplosione
che ha illuminato il cielo completamente e parecchie detonazioni.
Spaceweather.com ha scritto: "Sky watchers in several US states
were startled around midnight on March 27th when a brilliant fireball streaked across the sky and exploded. It was a small (perhaps less
than a few meters wide) rocky asteroid with a mass of about 10 metric tons. Some 500 fragments scattered over a 10-km wide zone in the
suburbs south of Chicago. Meteorites struck houses, cars, roads--but no people. Such fireballs are surprisingly common: Researchers expect
an asteroidal object one meter in diameter or larger to strike Earth's atmosphere about 40 times per year. Few are seen, however, because
they usually appear over unpopulated areas."
Immagini varie:
- Hanno Strufe meteorite homepage (immagini del 2006 Munich Mineral Show)
- The $5 Million Meteorite Collection (la collezione privata di meteoriti di Naveen Jain)